Chapter news

Randy Roth Honored in Retirement




The IT Procurement Working Group has enjoyed the leadership of co-chair Randy Roth during the past 15+ years. However, the baton has been passed due to Randy having retired from Seprio, the company he helped found, this past July.  True to form, and committed to ensuring the group's continuing success, Randy participated in the ITPWG's fall meeting in Erie, PA to complete transitioning his co-chair responsibilities to Kerry Franz.  The group used this opportunity to surprise and thank Randy for his many years of service.  An avid skydiver, Randy was presented with gifts commemorating that passion as a small token of appreciation.  Randy’s wife Annette joined him for this honor and enjoyed hearing the many ways Randy impacted the careers and lives of members who attended the meeting. 

We wish Randy and Annette all the best in their new careers as world travelers.

Pictured from left: Kerry Franz (co-chair), Randy Roth, Gregg Fouch (co-chair), Karin Stern (treasurer)

